Daag Ache hain...
“Akoo, have you seen the latest Surf Excel add?”
“The one in which the elder brother fights with a pool of mud to make his sister laugh, after she slips into it?”
“Not yet.”
“Kya yaar…kaha rahte ho?”
“Hey come soon, here’s the add again”
I was touched by the commercial. It’s more than an add. Yes there are so many scars, stains I would like to live all my life with. Each of them added colour to my life. I know there will never be a stain remover that will be able to remove them. In fact I wish I do not find one.
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“Akoo, have you seen the latest Surf Excel add?”
“The one in which the elder brother fights with a pool of mud to make his sister laugh, after she slips into it?”
“Not yet.”
“Kya yaar…kaha rahte ho?”
“Hey come soon, here’s the add again”
I was touched by the commercial. It’s more than an add. Yes there are so many scars, stains I would like to live all my life with. Each of them added colour to my life. I know there will never be a stain remover that will be able to remove them. In fact I wish I do not find one.
In case you want to be touched, just click the link….