I can’t really say I am happy the way my cell fell silent…at times you get so habitual to the noise around that silence strikes…you feel awkward...there was times I searched for ways to stay away from the mobile network...that’s the only way there was to avoid her calls without hurting her…but there was none… there were incessant calls…she used to talk about any thing and everything in her life…about hundreds of lovers she had…about the hundreds of proposals she used to get daily from those around…about the years old relation she have, that at times goes sore...I just keep on listening with some ‘yah’, ‘that’s great’, ‘oh’, and ‘so sad’… then there were the thousands of problems that she face…I am supposed to come up with a solution…while listening to a new problem at hand I was supposed to find solution of an older problem…at times she was ready to give me some time as she accepted the fact that the ‘chip’ I have some in my head is a pentium3 rather than a pentium4… Of course in betwe...