On the way to office, suddenly I realised I have forgotten to take the cell phone with me. Reflex of the mind was to rush back. But already I have had crossed three fourth of the distance and decided to do without it for the day. "Hey guys, I am minus my cell today..." "Are you sure you have not lost your cell again?"...I was not, but there was no way to confirm. So better be comfortable with the idea that I have left if at home. As the day progressed, I started feeling like Gulliver in the alien land. Every time there was confusion my hands rushed for the cell. Oh Shit! Most of the communication in the group takes place through it. (Not necessarily a call. At times a miss call meant "I'm not getting you. Call back through the intercom"). More than that it was the phone book, hand watch... Still it was not that bad. No cell means you are not reachable anywhere and everywhere. That means no unnecessary interference from the bosses in the form of necessa...