
Showing posts from March, 2006

My eco,my shadow and me...


Firefly Syndrome!

Friday March 24, 2006 Reminder alert of the cell phone dragged me out of sleep at 5:30 in the morning. The screen flashed FMC...FMC...FMC "Friday Morning Class? Oh shit!" (It's one of the hundreds of things; I am trying to absorb either into my daily or weekly schedule thanks to my new profile in a KPO.) That means I will have to reach office 45 minutes earlier than a normal day, sit patiently in the conference room, either listening to the lifeless preaching of an unmotivated 'motivation expert' (something I hate from the bottom of my heart) or struggle to make sense out of a presentation by a Chartered Accountant or an MBA on some topic of their interest. I am the odd man out in such classes. But attending them is mandatory. While concepts of management always tickle my senses, I feel awkward listening to CAs. The Topics they discuss hardly make any sense to me. So I have find out various ways of utilizing the time I feel I am wasting. When there's no other ...


Every time I looked at the calendar I was happy, seeing the weekend coming closer. Two consecutive off days! There were so many things pending. Though I was expecting my new work profile to be consuming, but I never thought it would be so overriding. In spite of all my efforts throughout the past fortnight, I failed to manage time to blog. So, first thing I would do is to visit my favourite blogs and if possible post something, I decided. There were two tags from Jac and Aquamarine pending (almost for a month). I managed to sit and finished writing thems. But, thanks to many technical difficulties posting them remained to be a reality. Here comes another weekend and with a little time to spare, trying to post them. Here's the tag from Jac What were you doing 10 years ago? Busy cracking formulas and theories of mathematics. Five snacks you enjoy Potato chips, Aloo Bhujia, rusk, peanuts and samosas. Five songs to which you know all the lyrics Summer of 69, Best of Me, Everything I...