Have I told you about the flock of sparrows that befriended me years ago? One of them has found her way back to my home. I first saw her about ten days ago. I’ve been waking up early lately, and one morning, I stepped onto my balcony and saw her perched on the railing with a dry leaf in her beak. The moment she noticed me, she flew away—and it hurt. Why was she afraid of me? Right then and there, I decided I would earn her trust and show her I meant no harm.

I wasn’t sure she would return. The next day, I woke up, looked for her, but she wasn’t there. I waited for a while, then went back to bed. I ended up getting to the office late and felt gloomy all day.

I almost gave up, but I couldn’t help trying again. So, I woke up a bit earlier than usual and scattered some rice grains on the balcony. To my delight, she appeared again—carrying a piece of straw as always. She landed on the railing and tilted her little head from side to side, like a scanner taking me in. Everything seemed to pause for a moment; my heart was pounding. Then, as if deciding she could trust me, she placed the straw down, cautiously pecked at a few grains, picked up the straw again, and flew away. My eyes brimmed with tears. I wished I could share this moment with someone who would understand.

I knew I had made progress. For eight days now, this has become our routine. She’s busy building her nest somewhere in my building, tirelessly collecting straw each morning. She’s grown more confident too—she doesn’t mind if I move around while she’s there. I try to mimic her chirps, and she often replies, though I don’t know what she’s saying. Still, I can feel she’s accepted my friendship.

I will cherish this forever.


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