It's long time since I have visited a fact the hustle and bustles of life have almost sucked out of me the power of continuous reading. Now I hardly read more than a page at a stretch. I have got the habit of looking for the five W's and one H in everything I read and get irritated when these are not in the first paragraph.
So, rather than reading books now I try to content myself by reading reviews and times you too can try this...for example, here's a line excerpted from Silent Extras by Arnon Grunberg
"...I had my whole life ahead of me, and there was nothing to do about it..."
I have no idea what led the writer (character!) to this point. But I think Grunberg will have nothing to object if I use my I-drive (imagination drive) to fill the dots at the beginning and the end of the sentence.
Of course he will be happy if, in this process, I can amass enough momentum to get out of the "inertia of rest" and turn to the book to know actually situation.
You can also give a similar treatment to short poems, like this one by Wendy Cope
- Faster and faster
they vanished into darkness,
our years together...
Crazy Idea!...