The report also said Italy has banned lighting up in all enclosed public places since January this year.
Just reminded me of the odd scene that arrised the day before when I suggested two of my fellow passengers to stop smoking inside the public bus we were travelling. One of them threw the cigerrate with a polite sorry, but the other, rather young energetic and arrogant defiyed saying I can get down from the bus if I was having problem.
When I reminded him the law that prohibits smoking on public places, there were dozens of his collegemates to laugh at me. " Look who's talking".
I was the only one that have a problem with smoking in the bus packed with not less than thirty people. The policeman sitting next to me suggested I should change my position, out of reach of the cigerrate smoke.
But I reached my destination before I decided on my next move. I got down from the bus, but I am not out of the agony yet...
" Is it because of the preventive laws that we do not do things, that we do not do?"
I have seen people doing certain things just because there are laws that say those are illegal and breaching those gives a different kind of pleasure...