Mindless Musings of an Unmindful Mind: Where Have All the Young Girls Gone?

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    Soumyadip said…
    Janamdin ki hardik shubkamnaye.
    aklanta said…
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    aklanta said…
    Aapko Bahat Bahat Dhyahyabaad!
    jac said…
    A friend of mine here tells me that this is your birth day.
    If it is...then I don't need to wish you anything. I hope you know the reason.
    Heyy Aklanta, a very Happy Birthday!!!! So, how many candles?
    aklanta said…

    Yes your friend was right (but who's that?). Thanx.

    Ashesh dhaynobad. One more than you!

    (Plz don't mind my imperfect Bangla)
    Abaniko said…
    Belated happy birthday, Aklanta!!!

    Been to this site everyday since you posted this one but I never bothered to read the comments because I had a hard time running the attached file. It's the slow speed, that's why.

    Hope you had a grand time on that special day!
    Rita said…
    Hey, belated birthday wishes! :D
    Happy BirthDay

    Let ur Goal Succeed

    Happy Prosperous New Year
    jac said…
    I have a bunch !!
    aklanta said…

    Thanxfor the wishes and happy new year


    i know...

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