Life was
Just hit and run.

Standing at the twilight zone,
all of a sudden
I became conscious
of the time,

flying out of my hands

60 secs/min
60 mins/hr
24 hrs/day...

tick tick tick tick tick
in step with the hands of the clock...

12 months/year


Abaniko said…
Just wanna share these beautiful lyrics with you, Aklanta.
aklanta said…
Great...! thanx
Soumyadip said…
At twilight,
You stand,
You wait.
Life wasn't so fast then.
60 seconds seemed like 60.
The gray stays or fades away,
Leaving a shine reflecting the midday sun.
A sun long past, but still there,
jac said…
Tic tic tic
my black is amost gone.
When time stands still
I see two old men walking up the hill.
Back then life was slow-
Today it's just a big show
Now, when time stands still,
Everything goes downhill.

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