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And the pull exerted by Rita reached me. Here are the rules of the game that I have done ^C and ^V from her post:

1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

"Eight points! OMG!"

That was how my mind reacted when I read Rita's post. I do not have that many parameters for my perfect love. That will be a really mind crunching task.

Still I am giving a try...
Target: Female

My perfect lover should be

1.Cute (with a beautiful mind)
2.Accept me as I am (with all my limitations)
3.Always demanding (to give me hard time struggling to fulfill them)
4.A chatter box!
5.Not always asking for explanations of the things I do (excepting for crucial matters).
6.Ready to accept that there can be different views.
7.Cooks delicious food (of course I am ready to be a helping hand)
8.A little bit suspicious about me (I enjoy being tracked!)

Hey, that's not as tough as it thought it to be. So I am going to make you all victims


do not say no. Ok...


jac said…
Vacationers should be exempted.
That is also a rule!!
aklanta said…
No excuses.OK!
i have tagged my site.
Rita said…
Hmmm...interesting. Point number 8 was he most interesting. I am a little curious to know why? :D
aklanta said…

Where's the tag? Hidden somewhere in your blog?

At times things are just because they are, without any specific reason...this is one of them...:D>

We will not let Jac shy away from being tagged. Ok!

All the best!
Not bad not bad at all! It is NOT a tall order!!
is it a symbol

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