
Showing posts from May, 2006


Lightening that mocks the night, Brief even as bright… PB Shelly, Mutability Her questions stripped off, one by one, the faces I was wearing, and here I was facing the reflection. "Damn it!" I screamed, frightened by the sight of real me, perhaps first time after decades. The escapist, in hibernation, who has forgotten how to stand the rays of the summer sun. I have been here before, But when or how I can not tell: I know the gross beyond the door, The sweet keen smell, Sudden Light, Dante Gabriel Rossetti Yes, but I never bothered to peep into, beyond the reach of the sunrays. I never thought there can be so much of darkness hiding in each and every corner of the rusted inside. I sat in my cold stone room Choosing tough words, granite, flint, to break the ice. Demeter, Carol Ann Duffy Now, I am sitting with the old rusted tool box. As the keys have denied moving inside the lock, I have to hammer it down....


part I "Have you heard the songs of Fanaa? Chand Shifaris and Mere Haath Main are lovely. Get them, you will love them too," Deepu suggested, back in April. After a little search I found them.Yes they are marvelous. As it usually happens, I missed no chance of listening to them. "This is going to be another film I am going to avoid," I told myself. part II One of my colleagues found it difficult to consume my logic. "What the heck yaar! It's the height of absurdity." Yes, it might appear absurd. But it happened many times. I stopped myself from seeing a movie because I loved its songs in the first place. ?:)) Irrespective of the picturisition or role in the storyline of a film, a song has got its own existence, appeal. You hear a song and it clicks you somewhere in your heart. You do not know why. You record it in your memory; integrate with your i-Drive (Imagination Drive!) and drool over it. You will be getting different tastes, matching you...


Here's a spur-of-the-moment struggling to live an organized life. Perhaps it's like a creeper trying to standalone, imitating a tree. Suddenly I realized everything was going out of control. You have ten things to do, all of them having nearly the same dead-line. My gut feeling was that I have to rearrange my mind-set and upgrade it to 'multi tasking enabled' mode. And I started using an organiser...get the habit of preparing ' To-Do-List'. Preparation of TDL before start working became a daily ritual. At times I have had to drag myself an extra bit to meet the self commitment. But the results of doing so in the first few days really satisfied me... It does not take long for the nuptial to be over. I found myself revising and rearranging the TDL many time a day to meet the demand. No matter how hard I tried, there were left-over of the day's TDL, for the next day. TDLs started piling up. Now I am a silent helpless spectator, of the TDL getting elongated ever...


The Expression... In a dark time, the eye begins to see, I meet my shadow in the deepening shade; I hear my echo in the echoing wood- Theodore Roethke The Question... What's the colour of darkness? The Realisation... Finally the idea of changing layout of blog bugged me also. I decided to change the colour scheme. "I need to do away with the striking black dominating the layout." But after exploring various colour combination and permutations, nearly for a week, I became aware of the fact that my inclination towards black is inherent to my ' colour sense '. Although I came up with many impressive templates, minus black, when it came to using them I failed to convince myself. I also realised none of the colours can produce the contrast as black does. How can I do without it? The Question Re-phrased... Is darkness black?


It rained again last night. Second rain of this season... Yet another pleasant, clean and green morning... an indication, there are going to be abundance of mornings like this, in the coming days... Someone whispered into my ear,"A few more showers and they will loose their significance. Perhaps it's time you stop keeping track of them..." image courtesy


Creepers on the metal grill appeared extraordinarily happy when I wake up this morning. The sparrows, the squirrels were too more playful. Who ever I faced smiled at me and I smilled back in return... Yes, what can be more soothing than the first summer rain and how can my blog miss such an important celebration of nature! I struggled all the day to steal some time out of the schedule to type a few words, to put down the feelings that last night's downpour created in my heart and mind... that I resisted the temptation to go out in the rain , thinking of the grueling week ahead...but as ill luck would have it, there was hardly any time and now it was too late to write anything. But these entire quandaries just evaporated when I read what my new found blog mate wrote about the rains last night… Dilli me Barsaat "The city is rocking. And the first real rains of this season have come in style. I just came back from a ritual I have been doing as long as I can remember. Had a great ...

Me too...

thanks Soumyadip


Our Italian researcher was surprised to find that radiator fans blades in alm ost all Indian vehicles are either of nylon or polypr opylene, not aluminum. "Why it's so?" "Because aluminum does not have memory property," replied the auto component manufacturer. "Memory property, that's an interesting term! What does that mean?" I was also curious. Even more enthusiastic was our teacher, in his late fifties, to share his wisdom. How can one resist speaking with two attentive listeners in front? He twisted the polymer fan blade in his hands and released it. The blade reverted to it original shape. Th an he picked up an aluminum sheet and applied same twist. The sheet remained deformed after being released. "What have you noticed?" I was to answer, "An example of elasticity," but stopped myself. Every time a question is asked does not necessarily mean that it was done expecting answers to it.) Our silence made the teacher even mor...


Sounds of quarrelling squirrels, chirruping house sparrows and warm rays of the morning sun whispered into my ears, "Hey wake up, it's a new day at a new place." While struggling to set myself in tune with Delhi, I have almost stopped expecting this type of natural greetings. It's a bonus for us with the new house we have rented. The new environment forced me to flashback into the times when twittering of house sparrow; magpie robin, bulbul and the signature tune of All India Radio (everyday sharp at 5:55 in the morning) were synonyms to our mornings. It was mandatory for us to leave bed with these. So they were integral to our day-breaks, sometimes to the point of exasperation. I wished I could set aside those obligations. Integration poses binding. Compulsion at times brings bitterness... Now only after they are back into my life I realized how much I missed them, right from the time I left home. I'll have to rewrite many notions I have shaped about this city. T...


What happens when one almost always on walk goes on a ride? From the spread of headlights I guessed it was a strait long drive ahead. But it was not long when I realized mistake I have done and there I was, at a dead end. "There's no time and use of pulling the breaks," I told myself. At the blink of an eye I was on my free fall, a 6000 feet downward journey. I decided to utilize the remaining moments and tried to get a feel of the good old saying, "A rolling moss!" Pull of the mother earth and the feel of air striking on my face took me back to the college Physics class, drawings on the black board and the day when Professor Sharma was trying to make us understand the concept of terminal velocity . "The terminal velocity of an object falling towards the ground, in non-vacuum, is the speed at which the gravitational force pulling it downwards is equal and opposite to the atmospheric drag (also called air resistance) pushing it upwards. At this s...