The Expression...

In a dark time, the eye begins to see,
I meet my shadow in the deepening shade;
I hear my echo in the echoing wood-

Theodore Roethke

The Question...
What's the colour of darkness?

The Realisation...

Finally the idea of changing layout of blog bugged me also. I decided to change the colour scheme. "I need to do away with the striking black dominating the layout."

But after exploring various colour combination and permutations, nearly for a week, I became aware of the fact that my inclination towards black is inherent to my 'colour sense'.

Although I came up with many impressive templates, minus black, when it came to using them I failed to convince myself.

I also realised none of the colours can produce the contrast as black does. How can I do without it?

The Question Re-phrased...

Is darkness black?


storytellers said…
nice blog!
jac said…
To a blindman, it can be white, bright or black.

For me it is black...but I welcome it, for I can see my star, bright and clear, however cloudy the sky looks.
Really nice blog ... Hats off to you... you still manage to update your blog even though your schedule is very hectic
starry said…
Just stopped to say Hi.. I think the color black looks good .
totaramkiaaatma said…
The picture is a visual of -Nothing is in black and white. Grey spaces always exist.
jac said…
but black is black...always lovable

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