I usually don't peep into the affairs of others around me. But I failed to avoid noticing that the girl (in her early twenties) sitting next to me was dozing off with a book open in her hands. Allan Pease's "Body Language: How to Read Others' Thoughts by Their Gestures"...I felt the curves on my face taking the shape of a big smile.

Perhaps it's the period of life when almost everyone craves for a peep into the life of the people around.

I too tried my best to acquire the magic power of reading one without letting know that I was doing that. It started with my reading of a piece of Allan Pease's article in the magazine Competition Success Review about the importance of the ability to read body language of people, how mastering it can make things different for one, improve communication skills etc etc...inspired deep into my heart, I tried to grasp everything I can get on the topic.

In the same process I came in terms with the art of analysing handwritings, something I tried to master too. As far as my memory supports, there were no significant advancement made in both the fields...I do not even remember when I winded up my scuttle for the 'third eye'.

I can't say it's the result of my sweating of those days that I can (to some extent) read people. At times, mostly unintentional, I make some reading of human behaviour, to find them coming true later. But most of the times I follow my nature of going against my instinct and ignore them. While they make me wonder whether I have got that magic power once I starved for, I can't ignore the fact that there are an equal number of cases when my interpretations went wrong.

Whatever it is, I struggle a lot to keep my mind shut now. Else, it would come up with logic and counter-logic for or against every message that my senses capture, cook them up and in a matter of seconds produce various possible versions the message.

And I know for sure, the best way to happiness is to be able to stop reading between the lines and listening to the silences. Just imagine, you have got an x-ray vision and you have the power to see deep inside. Do you think you will be able to fall in love with someone in this condition (when you will be seeing his /her skeleton when ever you look at) ? You were true, at times things are better when kept in darkness.

Yes, there are only a handful in whose presence of my mind remains silent. I can think aloud. (You will find this usually silent man turning into a chatter box with them!)

It's because of their presence, the world is a better place for me and I'm better man.


totaramkiaaatma said…
But why is this post called scared of light?
starry said…
I have to agree with you "the best way to happiness is to be able to stop reading between the lines and listening to the silences."
divya said…
that is the definition of a friend where the mind goesquiet n is at peace it doesn't search for answers and is not scared of being judged..right?
u r lucky u have them..
jac said…
With loneliness covering me neck
deep, I don't comment on listening to the silences.

But if you don't read between the lines, there will be no poetries and no Gibrans or Emilys.

Think about it.
Aparna Mudi said…
for a 'silent man' that u call urself...ur typing does quite some chattering....
that apart u write well....
sometimes silences throw more light on a situation than any handwriting reading ...or face reading or a thousand words can...
im scared of silences....for me they reveal too much
Greta Björg said…
I´m back!
Have a look at my drawings and paintings...
the m...mouse.

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