And finally...

And there's the smell, the soothing scent of earth first time touched by the heavenly drops, the drops of rain. Yes, finally here's the first rain of the season, pulling me to the roof watch the mixture of reactions of the surroundings.

The morning birds were excited by the sudden change and started flying here and there randomly as if to express the fact that they were as happy as I am. The doves that were busy in their search for foo
d took refuse in groups under whatever little shed they found.

The leaves of the grapevine creeping on the wall waved with the mild wind, as if they were shying away from the first rain. However, soon with rain getting harder they will give up their efforts. In fact they will be the last ones to hold back rain water that will drip down in drops after the rain stops.

The squirrels, usually fighting for food, got irritated by sudden disturbance. One of them started screaming at the unwarranted disruption that was created. But he was not sure as to whom he should curse for this. So he made some screeching sound looking towards the clouded sky. But soon he too got tired, became silent and disappeared looking for some shed.

Some of the kids playing in the lane in front jumped back into their homes...some of them were called back home by their parents...some others, inside otherwise, jumped out to the lane skipping and jumping like the sparrows, celebrating rain, the first drops.

I don't have to go out today, there's no appointment, no client service to be done. I reassured my That means I can enjoy the rain at its best. I was happy. While I watched all these, the chords in my mind kept on repeating the tune and words of the song the film, "Life in a Metro" that has crept into my mind some days back

just a while ago
you were here with me

but don’t know how and when
stepped ahead of me
slowly and silently

without letting know the complaints
not even listening
to requests
do know how
you said good bye

now here’s
we too are saying good bye
good bye to those arms,
those charming shadows
for which life was going on
till tomorrow

we too are saying good bye...

"Hey man, its not healthy getting wet in the first carries a lot of dust and germs," screamed one standing in the window of the opposite building.

His suggestion put me into a dilemma. He was a stranger to me. But that is no reason why I should ignore the suggestions of a well-wisher.

Shall I continue enjoying the rain drops or shall I get into the sheds?


Anonymous said…
enjoy the rain drops i say

and what i can say about your writings:

delhidreams said…
give him a smile and do what u meant to, enjoi, perhaps he too will come down and dance i nthe rain
Anonymous said…
I thank-you my friend for your writing. I came across it at a moement that it couldn't have come better. I leave inspired, and refreshed. Truly, I have never been so moved. I have only read your pages once, however, I will be devouring it all over again once my heart stops beating so fast!

Thank-you. Bless you.

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