Lexicon of Mind...

I am trying to be silent. But the words bubbling in my mind never let that happen. Words that the processor somewhere in my brain is producing incessantly and tirelessly. Good words, bad words, cold words, warm words...There is no dearth of reasons; there is no dearth of occasions and stimuli.

I have seen smiles, butterflies and fireflies getting transformed into words; words that will fuel your the journey ahead through miles of roughness. Chirruping of the morning birds, sound of creeper leaves in the breeze and rain drops take the shape of words, musical words that will flood you with emotions, keep you warm in chilling winter nights.

There were thousands of occasions when I failed to stop the processor from converting the silences in between the conversations, blank spaces in between the lines into words, words that made me fret and sulk and pursue unwarranted turns on the paths. At times I put-up efforts to generate anti-words to fight with these, at times just take them for granted, let them rule...

There are times when I succeed in managing time and spirit to capture them in black and white. Most of the time they get lost ; die out after struggling for hours to see the light (just like the echo).

At times I get tired of them but they never...


Anonymous said…
I can't help wondering why you are trying to be silent aklanta?!

why not let the stream of words pour out
Shruti said…
Hi dear,
lovely blog you have..
Sometimes its eally helpful to be silent and listen what coming our way and what our soul wnat to convey us..

Nice reading..
Take care..
Just wonderful............................I truly can identify myself with your words.........

Great write up

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