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The dream is gone!

It often makes me wake up with a jerk. “Had a dream of the big rat again?” asks wife with tone of absolute certainty. She has got used to it. I dream myself in sleep when a big rat hits rushing from the other side of the bed and I roll down the bed to be dropped on the floor. I can feel the momentous but immense feeling of weightlessness, while on the free fall, till I hit the floor.

Display intercom flashed “Boss calling”. “Can you come to my room?”…I found Vivek was also in the room. “Close the door”. While following his instructions, a felt the big question mark that popped up somewhere in my mind. This is something he hardly does, closing the door while talking to his “team“. I took the seat next to Vivek. “You must be wondering why boss has called both us together today!” A dramatic pause! Vivek and I looked at each other’s face with extreme curiosity. “Why???” I felt the question mark growing bigger and bigger, as if to explode out of my head and almost shrank to zero when boss’s voice broke the momentous but immense silence. “I have decided to move on”. I felt my look moving away from Boss’s face to the blank wall on the left, with a jerk. There was the same feeling, the feeling of a free fall…as if someone removed the floor below my chair…emptiness that grew fast somewhere inside the heart…”my decision will not have any significant impact on your positions or career...don’t worry”. While I heard what boss was saying with a complete mum, I could feel the question mark inside taking different shape and size at different points. “Am I worried?”…I am not. But I am sad, sad about losing the nearness of one whom you feel proud of calling “Boss”. This is second time I am seeing him saying bye while he vanishes into the dense fog of uncertainty, making everyone in his sphere of influence share the emptiness that has grown into my heart.

Slowly my heart will accept the hardness of the reality...the emptiness will will be the start of a new walk…sometimes smiling, remembering the good times that passed by…sometimes smiling, imagining the paths meeting somewhere again…

Meeting is parting…


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